Terms & Conditions

This website and its connected services are provided “as is” and “as available” without warranty of any kind. By using this website you are accepting sole responsibility for any and all transactions involving Decentribes digital collectibles. When you purchase an official Decentribes token, you recieve just a token. We may choose to give owners of these tokens additional features inside of "Decentribes". These features can be: Utility based: The token owner is given access to additional features in the game. Cosmetic based: The token owner is given a cosmetic item in the game. They don't represent: Rights over the underlying media file (e.g - .png, .jpeg, .mp4...) or ability to resell derivatives of the tokens. When purchasing a token from Decentribes, you should understand what you are buying, these are simply tokens that point to an underlying media file. Decentribes acknowledges if you are an owner of a specific token and allows access to virtual items and features in-game based on the token as long as you retain ownership of that token. Each token will have a unique usecase inside Decentribes and should not be bought as an investment.

Decentribes is a social MMO built on the Polygon Blockchain, running directly in the browser.
LegalTerms & Conditions contact@decentribes.com